Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Lou Reed invented Cool.

I am Ben Kelley a History and Literature major and this is my senior year. I will admit I am somewhat new to both blogging and theory which makes this first post somewhat daunting. I chose the blogger alias of Richard Grayson because I love comic books and it is Nightwing's secret identity. Part of my vision for this blog is to try and incorporate comic books whenever possible because I think it is a pretty underrated art form and looked down upon by the intelligentsia. As far as theory goes I did a little theory in my senior year high school English classes and I've also had a little taste of theory from Persuasive Strategies. I find that I usually read texts from a Marxist perspective (most of the time unintentionally) so I guess my vision for this blog is to use and expand my knowledge of Marxist theory as well as working out, in writing, some new theories I learn.

1 comment:

Ryan Murphy said...

I like Robin, but not nearly as much as I like Lou Reed. Excellent blogging choices